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Includes journals and articles. It also integrates services such as PlumX, Airiti Library, DOI… and adds the function of bibliographic export, which can be seamlessly connected with the existing citation analysis software tool VOSviewer.
收錄期刊與文章,並整合PlumX 、Airiti Library、DOI…等服務,增加書目匯出的功能,可與現有的引文分析軟工具VOSviewer 無縫介接。
With thousands of peer-reviewed journals, Academic Search Ultimate is the full-text journal database. Providing the top journals in each field of study, it meets the needs of all students, in every discipline. In addition, it provides Ahead of Print content from key publishers.
綜合學科擁有數千種同行評審期刊,是多學科全文期刊資料庫。 它提供每個研究領域的期刊,滿足每個學科的需求。 此外,它還提供來自主要出版商的提前印刷內容。
Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate covers the full spectrum of the applied sciences and computing disciplines — from acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear engineering.
Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate被列為應用科學與技術資料庫套件中第二大數據庫,涵蓋了應用科學和計算學科的整個領域——從聲學到航空學、神經網路到核子工程。
Providing students with a global perspective in their research, Business Source Ultimate allows students to track business trends and topics worldwide with thousands of full-text journals from North America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe and Latin America. With locally published content integrated with region-specific international resources, it provides unparalleled coverage of regional news. In addition, Business Source Ultimate now includes Ahead of Print content from key business publishers.
為學生的研究提供全球視角,商管財經資源全文資料庫允許學生追蹤商業趨勢以及來自北方的數千種全文期刊的全球主題美洲、非洲、亞洲、大洋洲、歐洲和拉丁美洲。 與本地發布的內容與特定地區的國際相結合資源,它提供了無與倫比的地區新聞報導。 在此外,商管財經資源全文資料庫現在包括 Ahead of Print來自主要商業出版商的內容。
This collection of British Colonial office correspondence relates to Hong Kong as a British colony between 1841 and 1951, and provides detailed information on the political, military, social, economic, and external development of Hong Kong. It also sheds light on the British Empire in Asia, China’s transformation from empire to republic, mainland China-Hong Kong relations, and the international politics of East Asia.
收錄了英國殖民地辦公室信件集涉及 1841 年至 1951 年間香港作為英國殖民地的情況,提供有關香港政治、軍事、社會、經濟和對外發展的詳細資料。 它也揭示了大英帝國在亞洲、中國從帝國到共和的轉變、中國大陸與香港的關係以及東亞的國際政治。
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text is the leading full-text database for criminal justice and criminology research. It provides top journals and magazines covering all related subjects, including forensic sciences, corrections, policing, criminal law and investigation.
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text是領先的刑事司法和犯罪學研究全文數據庫。它提供涵蓋所有相關主題的頂級期刊和雜誌,包括法醫科學、懲戒、警務、刑法和調查。
A reference for concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world. With world events increasingly affecting our lives, it's more important than ever to educate students about the world around them, and for college students and business people to stay up-to-date.
Emerald is a global publisher providing high quality, peer-reviewed research with a portfolio of over 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1,500 teaching cases. It provides a growing collection of open access content, covering subjects across social science research. The platform combines different types of research formats – articles, books and case studies, and presents content in a wide variety of outputs formats including multimedia, data and expert briefings and opinion.
Emerald 是一家全球出版商,提供高品質的同行評審研究成果,擁有300 多種期刊、2,500 多本書籍和 1,500 多個教學案例。 Emerald提供了更多公開內容,涵蓋社會科學研究的各個主題。 該平台結合了不同類型的研究格式——文章、書籍和案例研究,並以多種輸出格式呈現內容,包括多媒體、數據以及專家簡報和意見。
Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text is the pinnacle resource for researchers of film and television, providing the most comprehensive collection of full text from scholarly and popular sources, and spanning the entire spectrum of film and television studies.
The database provides access to insights on global companies and industries with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data, and comprehensive reports.
Use cases that simulate real situations to induce students to participate in learning, introduce business management theory, encourage critical thinking, accumulate practical experience, face the employment market in advance, establish an entrepreneurial perspective, and train students to analyze the crux of the problem and examine important issues from the perspective of decision-makers.
以模擬真實情境案例誘發學生參與學習、導入商管理論、鼓勵批判性思考、累積實務經驗,提前面對 就業巿場、建立企業化視野,培養學生以決策者的角度來剖析問題癥結,檢視重擬處理方針。
OECD publishes its recommendations, analysis and data on OECD iLibrary to help inform policy makers, researchers and analysts to implement the best possible responses in their countries. OECD iLibrary’s Books, Papers, and Statistical content provide the foundation for international planning and research projects delivered on an award-winning platform following solid and reliable standards.
OECD 在 OECD iLibrary 上發布其建議、分析和數據,旨在幫助政策制定者、研究人員和分析師在各自國家實施最佳回應。OECD iLibrary 的書籍、論文和統計內容為國際規劃和研究項目提供了基礎,這些項目在遵循可靠標準的獲獎平台上進行交付。
Plunkett Research Online provides comprehensive industry analysis, including industry data, competitive intelligence, market research or industry trend analysis.
Access to over 7,000 magazines and global newspapers in 60 languages from various countries.
Unlimited downloads on all devices with on-site and off-site access allow students to research from everywhere.
Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.
Statista 是一個全球數據和商業智慧平台,廣泛收集來自 170 個行業 22,500 個來源的 80,000 多個主題的統計數據、報告和見解。
The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source is a unique full-text database supporting the study of the Belt and Road Initiative. It provides thousands of scholarly journals from dozens of countries covering business trends, infrastructure, research collaboration and trade opportunities related to the initiative.
The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source是支持「一帶一路」研究的獨特全文數據庫。它提供來自數十個國家的數千種學術期刊,涵蓋與該計劃相關的商業趨勢、基礎設施、研究合作和貿易機會。
This online open-access resource provides over 30,000 titles and more than 5 billion characters of pre-modern Chinese texts from pre-Qin dynasty.
這個在線開放取用數據庫提供超過 30,000 本書籍和50 億個字符的先秦時期的中國古典文獻。
Focuses on academic, engineering technology, policy guidance, advanced science popularization, industry guidance and education journals, covering various fields such as natural science, engineering technology, agriculture, philosophy, medicine, humanities and social sciences.
Database Of Buddhist Classics is a large-scale ancient book database that contains full-text searchable versions of Buddhist classics from past dynasties.
The “GuJiGuan Database” relies on various libraries across China and encompasses the collection of ancient texts and literature that have been passed down before 1949, as well as some books from the Republic of China era, with the project being completed in phases. The construction of the “GuJiGuan Database” follows the goals outlined in the 13th Five-Year Plan for Chinese libraries, aiming to create a large resource repository that comprehensively reflects the transmission and preservation status of ancient Chinese literature, enabling one-stop full-text retrieval of ancient book resources.
Contains nearly 7,000 periodicals published in China in the past century from the late Qing Dynasty to 1949, with a total of more than 130,000 issues. Many periodicals are rare books in China, with precious historical materials, rich content, and easy retrieval; The materials cover various categories such as literature and history education, philosophy and economics, politics and military, industry, agriculture, transportation, astronomy and medicine, etc.; it has particularly strong research value in modern Chinese history, literature, education, philosophy, politics, history of science and technology, etc.
收錄了清末到1949年近百年間中國出版的近7000種期刊,共13萬餘期,很多期刊屬於國內不多見的珍本,史料珍貴,內容豐富,檢索方便;資料涉及文史教育、哲學經濟、 政治軍事、工農交通、天文醫藥等各大門類;在中國近代的歷史、文學、教育、哲學、政治、科技史等方面尤其有著強烈的研究價值。
“Science Reading” is a database platform focused on high-quality academic monographs and textbooks, characterized by its comprehensive service across all disciplines. It features numerous award-winning works, classic books from various fields, writings by renowned experts, and a series of key collections, making it a treasure trove of high-quality professional knowledge and the collective wisdom of outstanding scientists.
“Science Reading” comprises 15 themes: Mathematics and Physics, Chemical Materials, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Resource and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry, Medicine, Information Technology, Engineering, Management, History and Archaeology, Economics, Education and Communication, Philosophy and Sociology, and Public Reading.
The database covers the period from 1911 to 1949 and provides open access to over 13,000 e-books published during that time, collected from various libraries and documentation units across Taiwan.