All-China Journalists’ Association (中 華 全 國 新 聞 工 作 者 協 會)
The official website of the Chinese Journalists Association.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
AEJMC is an association for educators, students and media professionals at the field of journalism and mass communication. The website provides information on the association publications, newsletter, research scholarship, resources on teaching and research, etc.
Committee to Protect Journalists
The Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide. They defend the right of journalists to report the news safely and without fear of reprisal.
Communications and Media Law Association (CAMLA)
Tailored for the group interested in law and policy on communications and media, the website provides the Communication Law Bulletin to enhance debate and discussion; information on association events; latest news.
Hong Kong Journalists’ Association (香 港 記 者 協 會)
The official website of the Hong Kong Journalists Association
Hong Kong News Executives’ Association
The official website of the Hong Kong News Executives’ Association.
International Communication Association (ICA)
ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in all aspects of human and mediated communication. The website offers information on the association publications, conferences, etc.
International Institute of Communications
The IIC is an independent, global, not for profit policy forum for the converging telecoms, media and technology industries. Membership offers a discussion framework and professional network for senior level strategists working at the intersection of business and public policy.
Reporters Without Borders (無 國 界 記 者)
Reporters Without Borders was founded in Montpellier (France) in 1985 with two highly specialized activities: (a) Internet Censorship and the New Media, and (b) the provision of material, financial and psychological assistance to journalists assigned to dangerous areas.
Southeast Asian Press Alliance
SEAPA is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation campaigning for genuine press freedom in Southeast Asia. Established in Bangkok in November 1998, it aims to unite independent journalists’ and press-related organizations in the region into a force for advocacy and mutual protection.
Journalism skills, safety, specialist areas, legal and ethical issues from the BBC Academy. Includes the BBC News style guide.
Information Services Department
The official website of the HKSAR Government Information services Department.
International Federation of Journalist
The IFJ, the world’s largest organisation of journalists, represents 600,000 media professionals from 187 trade unions and associations in more than 140 countries. Established in 1926, the IFJ is the organisation that speaks for journalists within the United Nations system and within the international trade union movement.
The site provides video webcast of Legislative Council meetings, both live and previous meetings.
News release of the HKSAR Government.
This database provides digitized images of old Hong Kong newspapers such as Hong Kong Daily Press, 香 港 工 商 日 報, 華 僑 日 報, 華 字 日 報 and 大 公 報, etc., which maintained by Hong Kong Public Libraries.
Online Newspaper Directory for the World
This website provides an onine newspapers directory and links for the world.
The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong
The official website of the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong.
Who makes the news? is a knowledge, information and resource portal on applied media research. Their work focuses on gender and other axes of discrimination in and through media and communication.
RTHK provides videos of the latest 12 month episodes.