Patrons may follow the following Library of Congress Classification Numbers on the book shelves to search the subjects related to Chinese Literature:
The call numbers listed in the table represent the topics of titles that fall within these ranges; it does not warrant that all titles under each topic are located within the ranges of call numbers.
表 格 內 的 索 書 號 , 主 要 列 出 該 類 別 的 書 籍 是 集 中 在 某 一 特 定 範 圍 之 內 , 而 非 等 於 該 類 別 的 全 部 書 籍 都 在 這 範 圍 之 中 。
Major Subject | LC Class |
Management. Industrial management | HD28-70 |
Engineering Graphics | T351-386 |
Industrial engineering. Management engineering | T55.4-60.8 |
Civil Engineering | TA1+ |
Environmental Engineering | TA170-171 |
Management of engineering works | TA190-194 |
Engineering Mathematics | TA329-348 |
Applied Mechanics | TA349-359 |
Applied Fluid Mechanics | TA357-359 |
Structural Engineering | TA630-695 |
Engineering Geology. Geotechnical Engineering | TA703-705.4 |
Soil Mechanics | TA710-711.5 |
Transportation Engineering | TA1001-1285 |
Hydraulic Engineering | TC1-978 |
Bridge Engineering | TG1+ |
Building Information Modelling | TH438.13 |
Environmental Engineering of Buildings | TH6014-6085 |
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