The world’s largest member association representing the accounting profession. You’ll find our 431,000+ members in 130 countries and territories, representing many areas of practice, including business and industry, public practice, government, education and consulting.
The Association of International Accountants (AIA) ( 國 際 會 計 師 公 會 )
Founded in 1928, the Association of International Accountants (AIA) is a global membership body for professional accountants, which promotes the concept of ‘international accounting’.
The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) ( 中 國 註 冊 會 計 師 協 會 )
中 國 註 冊 會 計 師 協 會 ( 以 下 簡 稱 “ 中 註 協 ” ) 是 在 財 政 部 黨 組 領 導 下 開 展 行 業 管 理 和 服 務 的 法 定 組 織 , 依 據 《 註 冊 會 計 師 法 》 和 《 社 會 團 體 登 記 管 理 條 例 》 的 有 關 規 定 設 立 , 承 擔 著 《 註 冊 會 計 師 法 》 賦 予 的 職 能 和 協 會 章 程 規 定 的 職 能 。
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. ( 香 港 交 易 所 )
HKEX is a world-leading capital raising venue for Hong Kong, Mainland Chinese and international issuers. A wide range of products are traded on HKEX’s markets, including equities, ETFs, REITs, bonds, structured equity products, equity index and single stock derivatives, currency futures and commodity derivatives. HKEX provide a comprehensive range of real-time, delayed and historic market data feeds related to our markets through multiple channels.
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants is internationally recognized as a world class, top quality professional body that serves the business community and public interest of Hong Kong and contributes to the sustainable development of Hong Kong as a leading international business and ¬financial centre.
Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) ( 香 港 市 務 學 會 )
Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) was founded on 12th November 1982. It is the ONLY non-profit making and independent professional body for marketers of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Management Associaton (HKMA)
Established in 1960, the Association is a professional organization which has effectively served the management education and training needs of the business community in Hong Kong and the region for over five decades.
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) ( 香 港 金 融 管 理 局 )
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is Hong Kong’s central banking institution.
The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) ( 香 港 銀 行 學 會 )
Established in 1963, The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) is the first non-profit institution that provides training and certification services to the banking community in Hong Kong.
The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) ( 香 港 證 監 會 )
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) is an independent statutory body set up in 1989 to regulate Hong Kong’s securities and futures markets.
The AccountingTools site is the complete source of information for the accountant.
It provides links and useful information on a wide variety of audit related topics for auditors.
Provides up-to-date market news, including stocks, futures, commodities, bonds and currencies.
CNNMoney is the online home of FORTUNE and MONEY magazines, and serves as CNN’s exclusive business site.
It is an informational and educational site to provide approximately 650 topics and 10,000 links regarding leadership and management.
Provides articles, news, and glossary of business management and offers links to business schools worldwide.
Reuters brings the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in business and finance.
This guide lists stock markets and commodity exchanges, including those dealing in futures, options, and derivatives, as well as sources for market and stock prices and reports.
Links to articles, reports, working papers, data, Federal Board publications, and more.
The World Bank provides substantial information on the research projects of the bank as well as information on current events and project reports.