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Applied Buddhist Studies: Library catalogue and other Library services


Patrons may follow the following Library of Congress Classification Numbers on the book shelves to search the subjects related to Chinese Literature:

The call numbers listed in the table represent the topics of titles that fall within these ranges; it does not warrant that all titles under each topic are located within the ranges of call numbers.
表 格 內 的 索 書 號 , 主 要 列 出 該 類 別 的 書 籍 是 集 中 在 某 一 特 定 範 圍 之 內 , 而 非 等 於 該 類 別 的 全 部 書 籍 都 在 這 範 圍 之 中 。

Major Subject and LC Class

Major Subject LC Class
Religious ethics BJ1188-1295    
Buddhism BQ1-9800
Museums TH
Exhibitions BQ107-109
Terminology BQ133
History BQ251-799
Buddhist literature BQ1001-1045
Tripitaka (Canonical literature) BQ1100-3340
Buddhist pantheon BQ4620-4905
Practice of Buddhism  
Forms of worship BQ4911-5720
Religious life BQ5360-5680
Folklore BQ5725-5845
Missionary work BQ5901-5975
Monasticism and monastic life Samgha (Order) BQ6001-6160
Sites BQ6300-6388
Pilgrims and pilgrimages BQ6400-6495
Theravāda (Hinayana) Buddhism BQ7100-7285
Mahayana Buddhism BQ7300-7529
Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism) BQ7530-7950
Bonpo BQ7960-7989
Pure Land Buddhism BQ8500-8769
Tantric Buddhism BQ8900-9099
Zen Buddhism BQ9250-9519

Other Library resources

Patron may search for other useful library resources with the following user guides: