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Computer Science: Internet Resources

Professional Organizations

AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)

“nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and theirembodiment in machines.”

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

“world’s largest educational and scientific computing society”

British Computer Society (Hong Kong Section)

“maintained a very close and mutually respected relationship with other ICT professional bodies within Hong Kong and China.”

Hong Kong Computer Society

“first and largest well-recognized non-profit organization focused on developing Hong Kong’s Information Technology (IT) profession and industry”

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

“world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity”

IEEE Computer Society

“world’s top member organization dedicated to computer science and technology”

International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology

“registered international scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in Computer Science and Information Technology”

Useful Websites e-Print archive

An open-access archive for scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics.

MIT Open Courseware

A free distribution platform for materials used in the teaching of almost all subjects from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Open Source Initiative

A nonprofit organization for managing and promoting the Open Source Definition (OSD).

The Apache Software Foundation

A charitable organization that provides an established framework for Apache community to develop freely available enterprise-grade software.

An non-profit organization that advances the use of open standards by providing educational information, discussion areas, and collaborative resources.